Exercício – Expressões com a palavra “all”

A versatilidade da palavra “all” faz com que ela seja muito utilizada em diversas expressões do inglês. Ontem pudemos acompanhar o uso de “all” em algumas expressões (confira novamente alguns posts clicando aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui também).

Agora, divirta-se colocando seus conhecimentos em prática! Vamos lá?

Complete the sentences with the most suitable expression:


1. We gotta win this game. It’s ____________________ this time!

2. We should work as a team. ____________________!

3. I was ____________________ when she started talking about him.

4. The house was _____________ destroyed after the hurricane.

5. He’s the greatest athlete __________________, in my opinion.

6. Why are all these events happening right now, _________________?

7. They travelled ____________ the world.

8. I need to go to the grocery store and get tomatoes, lettuce, carrots ____________________.


Did you get all of them right? Check your answers:


1 – all or nothing / 2 – All for one, one for all / 3 – all ears / 4 – all but / 5 – of all time / 6 – of all times / 7 – all over / 8 – and all that jazz

Enjoy your Saturday!


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